7 Steps to Take Your Email Marketing Campaign To New Heights

Email marketing campaigns boast a 3800 percent ROI, earning brands an average of $38 for every $1 spent. This incredible return, however, does come with an important footnote. Over 75 percent of the revenue generated from emails arrives through triggered campaigns– campaigns that were created for specific audiences at particular point of their buyer’s journey– rather than emails sent out to everyone on an email list.

Brands that want to succeed with their email marketing need to take the time to properly target their messages and carefully follow our guidelines to experience the power of email marketing success. Here are the 7 steps you need to get started launching  top performing email marketing campaign.

Determine the objectives for your campaign

Before you get started, you need to determine precisely what you want to accomplish with a particular email campaign. This will shape your messaging, your audience, and how you will measure success.

Determine who your campaign will target

To effectively create messages that will resonate with your audience, you must first know to whom you are speaking. The better you understands the unique pain points and motivations of the people who will be targeted with your messages, the easier it will be to create engaging emails that people will appreciate.

Personalize your emails to improve engagement

Personalized emails result in transaction rates that are 6 times higher than mass-produced emails. Taking the time to add simple data such as the name of the recipient, their company, and their role can help people pay more attention to what you have to say. Similarly, segmenting emails based on factors such as budget, stage in the buyer’s journey, company size, or geographic area can help improve the personalization of the emails you deliver.

Nurture your audience as they progress through the buyer’s journey

Your content should be designed to encourage people to move from one stage of the buyer’s journey to the next. It should nurture them at each point, providing them with information that addresses their needs, while also slowly encouraging them to move closer to conversion.

Setup automated emails to ensure timely contact

Automated emails can help ensure that your customers are contacted in a timely manner after performing certain actions on your site. For example, if someone signs up for your blog for the first time, they can receive a welcome email to introduce them more to your brand.

Effectively use a call-to-action that fits with your customer needs

Your CTA is your opportunity to encourage a particular action from your users. This CTA should be clear– customers should know exactly what you want them to do– and it should be directly relevant to the pain points and motivations of your target audience.

Measure your results and make adjustments as needed

In marketing, measurement is one of the most important steps. You want to track how your emails are being received by your target audience calculating factors such as your open rates, click-through rates, and how well your emails bring people from one part of the buyer’s journey to the next. These insights will help you judge your success and find areas where adjustments need to be made to refine your process and content.

With an estimated 91 percent of email users checking their messages at least once per day, email is an effective means of getting in touch with your customers. Using this channel effectively, however, requires taking the time to personalize your messages for your customers to boost engagement and relevance. Following these steps will help make your campaign more efficient and more effective.

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